Monday, December 23, 2019

Corruption In The Ukraine Government - 1483 Words

Introduction The educational challenges endured by the Ukrainian government and its citizens is a suitable option for the final comparison paper. Ukraine shares a longstanding history with Russia having only attained independence in 1991, and the government aimed to cultivate a relationship with Western Europe, particularly the European Union (EU). Discouragingly, twenty six years after independence Ukraine wrestles with a depleted economy inherited from former and first President Leonid Kravchuk. Leonid Kuchma, the country’s second president, only fared slightly better than his predecessor, but he soon faltered. Kuchma was accused by the opposition of immoderately conceding to Russian economic interests (BBC News 2016). One†¦show more content†¦(The Atlantic 2014). Above all, it will be interesting to dissect how this affects education policies. In spite of pressure from Russia, in 2014 Ukrainian policymakers passed a legislation that empowered universities with mo re autonomy with their curriculum, finances, and hiring practices. Before its passage, the government was overly involved in the design and implementation of education programs, which inhibited faculty research endeavors (Freedom House 2016). Economic challenges have negatively impacted enrollment and retention rates among primary and secondary schools. Socioeconomic disparities are also correlated to high dropout rates and low post secondary enrollment. Conjointly, the country’s minority population are perhaps at the greatest disadvantage as many only exhibit a rudimentary grasp of the Ukrainian language, insufficient to pass state exams. At Hungarian majority schools, up to 75 % of students fail their end of year exams (Freedom House 2017). The Electoral System Ukraine’s next presidential and parliamentary election is scheduled for 2019. A mixed election system is utilized to elect the 450 legislative seats. Half of the members of parliament are elected through first past the post voting (FPTP) with a 5% threshold from single member districts, and the other 225 are selected from a closed list through proportional representation. In order for a party to be successful, they must acquireShow MoreRelatedUkraine Case Study1376 Words   |  6 Pageswar, political unrest, and government corruption, Ukraine has struggled to maintain economic stability. As result, the IMF has provided much needed assistance to Ukraine to help the country regain stability. By understanding Ukraine’s political instability, analyzing the IMF’s recommended policies for stabilization, and identifying key actions needed to prevent future currency crisis, Ukraine’s economic tailspin can be diverted with the IMF’s int ervention. 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